RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > Class Template Reference

A rectangle type tree tree, such as an R-tree or X-tree. More...


class  DualTreeTraverser
 A dual tree traverser for rectangle type trees. More...

class  SingleTreeTraverser
 A single traverser for rectangle type trees. More...


Public Types

typedef AuxiliaryInformationType< RectangleTreeAuxiliaryInformation
 The auxiliary information type held by the tree. More...

typedef MatType::elem_type ElemType
 The element type held by the matrix type. More...

typedef MatType Mat
 So other classes can use TreeType::Mat. More...


Public Member Functions

 RectangleTree (const MatType &data, const size_t maxLeafSize=20, const size_t minLeafSize=8, const size_t maxNumChildren=5, const size_t minNumChildren=2, const size_t firstDataIndex=0)
 Construct this as the root node of a rectangle type tree using the given dataset. More...

 RectangleTree (MatType &&data, const size_t maxLeafSize=20, const size_t minLeafSize=8, const size_t maxNumChildren=5, const size_t minNumChildren=2, const size_t firstDataIndex=0)
 Construct this as the root node of a rectangle tree type using the given dataset, and taking ownership of the given dataset. More...

 RectangleTree (RectangleTree *parentNode, const size_t numMaxChildren=0)
 Construct this as an empty node with the specified parent. More...

 RectangleTree (const RectangleTree &other, const bool deepCopy=true, RectangleTree *newParent=NULL)
 Create a rectangle tree by copying the other tree. More...

 RectangleTree (RectangleTree &&other)
 Create a rectangle tree by moving the other tree. More...

 RectangleTree (Archive &ar, const typename std::enable_if_t< cereal::is_loading< Archive >()> *=0)
 Construct the tree from a cereal archive. More...

 ~RectangleTree ()
 Deletes this node, deallocating the memory for the children and calling their destructors in turn. More...

const AuxiliaryInformationType< RectangleTree > & AuxiliaryInfo () const
 Return the auxiliary information object of this node. More...

AuxiliaryInformationType< RectangleTree > & AuxiliaryInfo ()
 Modify the split object of this node. More...

size_t Begin () const
 Return the index of the beginning point of this subset. More...

size_t & Begin ()
 Modify the index of the beginning point of this subset. More...

const bound::HRectBound< MetricType > & Bound () const
 Return the bound object for this node. More...

bound::HRectBound< MetricType > & Bound ()
 Modify the bound object for this node. More...

void Center (arma::vec &center)
 Get the centroid of the node and store it in the given vector. More...

RectangleTreeChild (const size_t child) const
 Get the specified child. More...

RectangleTreeChild (const size_t child)
 Modify the specified child. More...

void CondenseTree (const arma::vec &point, std::vector< bool > &relevels, const bool usePoint)
 Condense the bounding rectangles for this node based on the removal of the point specified by the arma::vec&. More...

size_t Count () const
 Return the number of points in this subset. More...

size_t & Count ()
 Modify the number of points in this subset. More...

const MatType & Dataset () const
 Get the dataset which the tree is built on. More...

MatType & Dataset ()
 Modify the dataset which the tree is built on. Be careful! More...

bool DeletePoint (const size_t point)
 Deletes a point from the treeand, updates the bounding rectangle. More...

bool DeletePoint (const size_t point, std::vector< bool > &relevels)
 Deletes a point from the tree, updates the bounding rectangle, tracking levels. More...

size_t Descendant (const size_t index) const
 Return the index (with reference to the dataset) of a particular descendant of this node. More...

RectangleTreeExactClone ()
 Make an exact copy of this node, pointers and everything. More...

const RectangleTreeFindByBeginCount (size_t begin, size_t count) const
 Find a node in this tree by its begin and count (const). More...

RectangleTreeFindByBeginCount (size_t begin, size_t count)
 Find a node in this tree by its begin and count. More...

ElemType FurthestDescendantDistance () const
 Return the furthest possible descendant distance. More...

ElemType FurthestPointDistance () const
 Return the furthest distance to a point held in this node. More...

size_t GetFurthestChild (const VecType &point, typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *=0)
 Return the index of the furthest child node to the given query point. More...

size_t GetFurthestChild (const RectangleTree &queryNode)
 Return the index of the furthest child node to the given query node. More...

size_t GetNearestChild (const VecType &point, typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *=0)
 Return the index of the nearest child node to the given query point. More...

size_t GetNearestChild (const RectangleTree &queryNode)
 Return the index of the nearest child node to the given query node. More...

void InsertNode (RectangleTree *node, const size_t level, std::vector< bool > &relevels)
 Inserts a node into the tree, tracking which levels have been inserted into. More...

void InsertPoint (const size_t point)
 Inserts a point into the tree. More...

void InsertPoint (const size_t point, std::vector< bool > &relevels)
 Inserts a point into the tree, tracking which levels have been inserted into. More...

bool IsLeaf () const
 Return whether or not this node is a leaf (true if it has no children). More...

ElemType MaxDistance (const RectangleTree &other) const
 Return the maximum distance to another node. More...

ElemType MaxDistance (const VecType &point, typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *=0) const
 Return the maximum distance to another point. More...

size_t MaxLeafSize () const
 Return the maximum leaf size. More...

size_t & MaxLeafSize ()
 Modify the maximum leaf size. More...

size_t MaxNumChildren () const
 Return the maximum number of children (in a non-leaf node). More...

size_t & MaxNumChildren ()
 Modify the maximum number of children (in a non-leaf node). More...

MetricType Metric () const
 Get the metric which the tree uses. More...

ElemType MinDistance (const RectangleTree &other) const
 Return the minimum distance to another node. More...

ElemType MinDistance (const VecType &point, typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *=0) const
 Return the minimum distance to another point. More...

ElemType MinimumBoundDistance () const
 Return the minimum distance from the center to any edge of the bound. More...

size_t MinLeafSize () const
 Return the minimum leaf size. More...

size_t & MinLeafSize ()
 Modify the minimum leaf size. More...

size_t MinNumChildren () const
 Return the minimum number of children (in a non-leaf node). More...

size_t & MinNumChildren ()
 Modify the minimum number of children (in a non-leaf node). More...

void NullifyData ()
 Nullify the auxiliary information. More...

size_t NumChildren () const
 Return the number of child nodes. (One level beneath this one only.) More...

size_t & NumChildren ()
 Modify the number of child nodes. Be careful. More...

size_t NumDescendants () const
 Return the number of descendants of this node. More...

size_t NumPoints () const
 Return the number of points in this node (returns 0 if this node is not a leaf). More...

RectangleTreeoperator= (const RectangleTree &other)
 Copy the given rectangle tree. More...

RectangleTreeoperator= (RectangleTree &&other)
 Take ownership of the given rectangle tree. More...

RectangleTreeParent () const
 Gets the parent of this node. More...

RectangleTree *& Parent ()
 Modify the parent of this node. More...

ElemType ParentDistance () const
 Return the distance from the center of this node to the center of the parent node. More...

ElemTypeParentDistance ()
 Modify the distance from the center of this node to the center of the parent node. More...

size_t Point (const size_t index) const
 Return the index (with reference to the dataset) of a particular point in this node. More...

size_t & Point (const size_t index)
 Modify the index of a particular point in this node. More...

math::RangeType< ElemTypeRangeDistance (const RectangleTree &other) const
 Return the minimum and maximum distance to another node. More...

math::RangeType< ElemTypeRangeDistance (const VecType &point, typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *=0) const
 Return the minimum and maximum distance to another point. More...

bool RemoveNode (const RectangleTree *node, std::vector< bool > &relevels)
 Removes a node from the tree. More...

void serialize (Archive &ar, const uint32_t)
 Serialize the tree. More...

bool ShrinkBoundForBound (const bound::HRectBound< MetricType > &changedBound)
 Shrink the bound object of this node for the removal of a child node. More...

bool ShrinkBoundForPoint (const arma::vec &point)
 Shrink the bound object of this node for the removal of a point. More...

void SoftDelete ()
 Delete this node of the tree, but leave the stuff contained in it intact. More...

const StatisticType & Stat () const
 Return the statistic object for this node. More...

StatisticType & Stat ()
 Modify the statistic object for this node. More...

size_t TreeDepth () const
 Obtains the number of levels below this node in the tree, starting with this. More...

size_t TreeSize () const
 Obtains the number of nodes in the tree, starting with this. More...


Protected Member Functions

 RectangleTree ()
 A default constructor. More...


Protected Attributes

friend AuxiliaryInformation
 Give friend access for AuxiliaryInformationType. More...

friend DescentType
 Give friend access for DescentType. More...

friend SplitType
 Give friend access for SplitType. More...


Detailed Description


class mlpack::tree::RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >

A rectangle type tree tree, such as an R-tree or X-tree.

Once the bound and type of dataset is defined, the tree will construct itself. Call the constructor with the dataset to build the tree on, and the entire tree will be built.

This tree does allow growth, so you can add and delete nodes from it.

Template Parameters
MetricTypeThis must be EuclideanDistance, but the template parameter is required to satisfy the TreeType API.
StatisticTypeExtra data contained in the node. See statistic.hpp for the necessary skeleton interface.
MatTypeThe dataset class.
SplitTypeThe type of split to use when inserting points.
DescentTypeThe heuristic to use when descending the tree to insert points.
AuxiliaryInformationTypeAn auxiliary information contained in the node. This information depends on the type of the RectangleTree.

Definition at line 54 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AuxiliaryInformation

typedef AuxiliaryInformationType<RectangleTree> AuxiliaryInformation

The auxiliary information type held by the tree.

Definition at line 66 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ ElemType

typedef MatType::elem_type ElemType

The element type held by the matrix type.

Definition at line 64 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Mat

typedef MatType Mat

So other classes can use TreeType::Mat.

Definition at line 58 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RectangleTree() [1/7]

RectangleTree ( const MatType &  data,
const size_t  maxLeafSize = 20,
const size_t  minLeafSize = 8,
const size_t  maxNumChildren = 5,
const size_t  minNumChildren = 2,
const size_t  firstDataIndex = 0 

Construct this as the root node of a rectangle type tree using the given dataset.

This will modify the ordering of the points in the dataset!

dataDataset from which to create the tree. This will be modified!
maxLeafSizeMaximum size of each leaf in the tree.
minLeafSizeMinimum size of each leaf in the tree.
maxNumChildrenThe maximum number of child nodes a non-leaf node may have.
minNumChildrenThe minimum number of child nodes a non-leaf node may have.
firstDataIndexThe index of the first data point. UNUSED UNLESS WE ADD SUPPORT FOR HAVING A "CENTERAL" DATA MATRIX.

◆ RectangleTree() [2/7]

RectangleTree ( MatType &&  data,
const size_t  maxLeafSize = 20,
const size_t  minLeafSize = 8,
const size_t  maxNumChildren = 5,
const size_t  minNumChildren = 2,
const size_t  firstDataIndex = 0 

Construct this as the root node of a rectangle tree type using the given dataset, and taking ownership of the given dataset.

dataDataset from which to create the tree.
maxLeafSizeMaximum size of each leaf in the tree.
minLeafSizeMinimum size of each leaf in the tree.
maxNumChildrenThe maximum number of child nodes a non-leaf node may have.
minNumChildrenThe minimum number of child nodes a non-leaf node may have.
firstDataIndexThe index of the first data point. UNUSED UNLESS WE ADD SUPPORT FOR HAVING A "CENTERAL" DATA MATRIX.

◆ RectangleTree() [3/7]

RectangleTree ( RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > *  parentNode,
const size_t  numMaxChildren = 0 

Construct this as an empty node with the specified parent.

Copying the parameters (maxLeafSize, minLeafSize, maxNumChildren, minNumChildren, firstDataIndex) from the parent.

parentNodeThe parent of the node that is being constructed.
numMaxChildrenThe max number of child nodes (used in x-trees).

◆ RectangleTree() [4/7]

RectangleTree ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  other,
const bool  deepCopy = true,
RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > *  newParent = NULL 

Create a rectangle tree by copying the other tree.

Be careful! This can take a long time and use a lot of memory.

otherThe tree to be copied.
deepCopyIf false, the children are not recursively copied.
newParentSet a new parent as applicable, default NULL.

◆ RectangleTree() [5/7]

RectangleTree ( RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &&  other)

Create a rectangle tree by moving the other tree.

otherThe tree to be moved.

◆ RectangleTree() [6/7]

RectangleTree ( Archive &  ar,
const typename std::enable_if_t< cereal::is_loading< Archive >()> *  = 0 

Construct the tree from a cereal archive.

◆ ~RectangleTree()

Deletes this node, deallocating the memory for the children and calling their destructors in turn.

This will invalidate any younters or references to any nodes which are children of this one.

◆ RectangleTree() [7/7]

RectangleTree ( )

A default constructor.

This is meant to only be used with cereal, which is allowed with the friend declaration below. This does not return a valid tree! This method must be protected, so that the serialization shim can work with the default constructor.

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::Count().

Member Function Documentation

◆ AuxiliaryInfo() [1/2]

const AuxiliaryInformationType<RectangleTree>& AuxiliaryInfo ( ) const

Return the auxiliary information object of this node.

Definition at line 325 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ AuxiliaryInfo() [2/2]

AuxiliaryInformationType<RectangleTree>& AuxiliaryInfo ( )

◆ Begin() [1/2]

size_t Begin ( ) const

Return the index of the beginning point of this subset.

Definition at line 543 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Begin() [2/2]

size_t& Begin ( )

Modify the index of the beginning point of this subset.

Definition at line 545 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Bound() [1/2]

◆ Bound() [2/2]

bound::HRectBound<MetricType>& Bound ( )

Modify the bound object for this node.

Definition at line 317 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Center()

void Center ( arma::vec &  center)

Get the centroid of the node and store it in the given vector.

Definition at line 368 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

References HRectBound< MetricType, ElemType >::Center().

◆ Child() [1/2]

RectangleTree& Child ( const size_t  child) const

Get the specified child.

childIndex of child to return.

Definition at line 437 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Child() [2/2]

◆ CondenseTree()

void CondenseTree ( const arma::vec &  point,
std::vector< bool > &  relevels,
const bool  usePoint 

Condense the bounding rectangles for this node based on the removal of the point specified by the arma::vec&.

This recurses up the tree. If a node goes below the minimum fill, this function will fix the tree.

pointThe arma::vec& of the point that was removed to require this condesation of the tree.
usePointTrue if we use the optimized version of the algorithm that is possible when we now what point was deleted. False otherwise (eg. if we deleted a node instead of a point).
relevelsThe levels that have been reinserted to on this top level insertion.

◆ Count() [1/2]

size_t Count ( ) const

Return the number of points in this subset.

Definition at line 548 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Count() [2/2]

size_t& Count ( )

◆ Dataset() [1/2]

const MatType& Dataset ( ) const

Get the dataset which the tree is built on.

Definition at line 360 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Dataset() [2/2]

MatType& Dataset ( )

Modify the dataset which the tree is built on. Be careful!

Definition at line 362 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ DeletePoint() [1/2]

bool DeletePoint ( const size_t  point)

Deletes a point from the treeand, updates the bounding rectangle.

However, the point will be kept in the centeral dataset. (The user may remove it from there if he wants, but he must not change the indices of the other points.) Returns true if the point is successfully removed and false if it is not. (ie. the point is not in the tree)

◆ DeletePoint() [2/2]

bool DeletePoint ( const size_t  point,
std::vector< bool > &  relevels 

Deletes a point from the tree, updates the bounding rectangle, tracking levels.

However, the point will be kept in the centeral dataset. (The user may remove it from there if he wants, but he must not change the indices of the other points.) Returns true if the point is successfully removed and false if it is not. (ie. the point is not in the tree)

◆ Descendant()

size_t Descendant ( const size_t  index) const

Return the index (with reference to the dataset) of a particular descendant of this node.

The index should be greater than zero but less than the number of descendants.

indexIndex of the descendant.

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::Child().

◆ ExactClone()

RectangleTree* ExactClone ( )

Make an exact copy of this node, pointers and everything.

◆ FindByBeginCount() [1/2]

const RectangleTree* FindByBeginCount ( size_t  begin,
size_t  count 
) const

Find a node in this tree by its begin and count (const).

Every node is uniquely identified by these two numbers. This is useful for communicating position over the network, when pointers would be invalid.

beginThe begin() of the node to find.
countThe count() of the node to find.
The found node, or NULL if not found.

◆ FindByBeginCount() [2/2]

RectangleTree* FindByBeginCount ( size_t  begin,
size_t  count 

Find a node in this tree by its begin and count.

Every node is uniquely identified by these two numbers. This is useful for communicating position over the network, when pointers would be invalid.

beginThe begin() of the node to find.
countThe count() of the node to find.
The found node, or NULL if not found.

◆ FurthestDescendantDistance()

ElemType FurthestDescendantDistance ( ) const

Return the furthest possible descendant distance.

This returns the maximum distance from the centroid to the edge of the bound and not the empirical quantity which is the actual furthest descendant distance. So the actual furthest descendant distance may be less than what this method returns (but it will never be greater than this).

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::NumChildren().

◆ FurthestPointDistance()

ElemType FurthestPointDistance ( ) const

Return the furthest distance to a point held in this node.

If this is not a leaf node, then the distance is 0 because the node holds no points.

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::NumChildren().

◆ GetFurthestChild() [1/2]

size_t GetFurthestChild ( const VecType &  point,
typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *  = 0 

Return the index of the furthest child node to the given query point.

If this is a leaf node, it will return NumChildren() (invalid index).

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::NumChildren().

◆ GetFurthestChild() [2/2]

size_t GetFurthestChild ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  queryNode)

Return the index of the furthest child node to the given query node.

If it can't decide, it will return NumChildren() (invalid index).

◆ GetNearestChild() [1/2]

size_t GetNearestChild ( const VecType &  point,
typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *  = 0 

Return the index of the nearest child node to the given query point.

If this is a leaf node, it will return NumChildren() (invalid index).

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::NumChildren().

◆ GetNearestChild() [2/2]

size_t GetNearestChild ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  queryNode)

Return the index of the nearest child node to the given query node.

If it can't decide, it will return NumChildren() (invalid index).

◆ InsertNode()

void InsertNode ( RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > *  node,
const size_t  level,
std::vector< bool > &  relevels 

Inserts a node into the tree, tracking which levels have been inserted into.

The node will be inserted so that the tree remains valid.

nodeThe node to be inserted.
levelThe depth that should match the node where this node is finally inserted. This should be the number returned by calling TreeDepth() from the node that originally contained "node".
relevelsThe levels that have been reinserted to on this top level insertion.

◆ InsertPoint() [1/2]

void InsertPoint ( const size_t  point)

Inserts a point into the tree.

pointThe index of a point in the dataset.

◆ InsertPoint() [2/2]

void InsertPoint ( const size_t  point,
std::vector< bool > &  relevels 

Inserts a point into the tree, tracking which levels have been inserted into.

pointThe index of a point in the dataset.
relevelsThe levels that have been reinserted to on this top level insertion.

◆ IsLeaf()

bool IsLeaf ( ) const

Return whether or not this node is a leaf (true if it has no children).

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::AuxiliaryInfo().

◆ MaxDistance() [1/2]

ElemType MaxDistance ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  other) const

◆ MaxDistance() [2/2]

ElemType MaxDistance ( const VecType &  point,
typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *  = 0 
) const

Return the maximum distance to another point.

Definition at line 515 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

References HRectBound< MetricType, ElemType >::MaxDistance().

◆ MaxLeafSize() [1/2]

size_t MaxLeafSize ( ) const

Return the maximum leaf size.

Definition at line 335 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MaxLeafSize() [2/2]

size_t& MaxLeafSize ( )

Modify the maximum leaf size.

Definition at line 337 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MaxNumChildren() [1/2]

size_t MaxNumChildren ( ) const

Return the maximum number of children (in a non-leaf node).

Definition at line 345 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MaxNumChildren() [2/2]

size_t& MaxNumChildren ( )

Modify the maximum number of children (in a non-leaf node).

Definition at line 347 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Metric()

MetricType Metric ( ) const

Get the metric which the tree uses.

Definition at line 365 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MinDistance() [1/2]

ElemType MinDistance ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  other) const

◆ MinDistance() [2/2]

ElemType MinDistance ( const VecType &  point,
typename std::enable_if_t< IsVector< VecType >::value > *  = 0 
) const

Return the minimum distance to another point.

Definition at line 506 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

References HRectBound< MetricType, ElemType >::MinDistance().

◆ MinimumBoundDistance()

ElemType MinimumBoundDistance ( ) const

Return the minimum distance from the center to any edge of the bound.

Currently, this returns 0, which doesn't break algorithms, but it isn't necessarily correct, either.

Definition at line 423 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

References HRectBound< MetricType, ElemType >::MinWidth().

◆ MinLeafSize() [1/2]

size_t MinLeafSize ( ) const

Return the minimum leaf size.

Definition at line 340 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MinLeafSize() [2/2]

size_t& MinLeafSize ( )

Modify the minimum leaf size.

Definition at line 342 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MinNumChildren() [1/2]

size_t MinNumChildren ( ) const

Return the minimum number of children (in a non-leaf node).

Definition at line 350 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ MinNumChildren() [2/2]

size_t& MinNumChildren ( )

Modify the minimum number of children (in a non-leaf node).

Definition at line 352 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ NullifyData()

void NullifyData ( )

Nullify the auxiliary information.

Used for memory management. Be cafeful.

◆ NumChildren() [1/2]

size_t NumChildren ( ) const

Return the number of child nodes. (One level beneath this one only.)

Definition at line 371 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ NumChildren() [2/2]

◆ NumDescendants()

size_t NumDescendants ( ) const

Return the number of descendants of this node.

For a non-leaf in a binary space tree, this is the number of points at the descendant leaves. For a leaf, this is the number of points in the leaf.

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::Child().

◆ NumPoints()

size_t NumPoints ( ) const

Return the number of points in this node (returns 0 if this node is not a leaf).

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::Child().

◆ operator=() [1/2]

RectangleTree& operator= ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  other)

Copy the given rectangle tree.

otherThe tree to be copied.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

RectangleTree& operator= ( RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &&  other)

Take ownership of the given rectangle tree.

otherThe tree to take ownership of.

◆ Parent() [1/2]

RectangleTree* Parent ( ) const

Gets the parent of this node.

Definition at line 355 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Parent() [2/2]

RectangleTree*& Parent ( )

Modify the parent of this node.

Definition at line 357 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ ParentDistance() [1/2]

ElemType ParentDistance ( ) const

Return the distance from the center of this node to the center of the parent node.

Definition at line 427 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ ParentDistance() [2/2]

ElemType& ParentDistance ( )

Modify the distance from the center of this node to the center of the parent node.

Definition at line 430 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Point() [1/2]

size_t Point ( const size_t  index) const

Return the index (with reference to the dataset) of a particular point in this node.

This will happily return invalid indices if the given index is greater than the number of points in this node (obtained with NumPoints()) – be careful.

indexIndex of point for which a dataset index is wanted.

Definition at line 480 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Point() [2/2]

size_t& Point ( const size_t  index)

Modify the index of a particular point in this node.

Be very careful when you do this! You may make the tree invalid.

Definition at line 484 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ RangeDistance() [1/2]

math::RangeType<ElemType> RangeDistance ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > &  other) const

◆ RangeDistance() [2/2]

◆ RemoveNode()

bool RemoveNode ( const RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType > *  node,
std::vector< bool > &  relevels 

Removes a node from the tree.

You are responsible for deleting it if you wish to do so.

◆ serialize()

void serialize ( Archive &  ar,
const uint32_t   

Serialize the tree.

◆ ShrinkBoundForBound()

bool ShrinkBoundForBound ( const bound::HRectBound< MetricType > &  changedBound)

Shrink the bound object of this node for the removal of a child node.

changedBoundThe HRectBound<>& of the bound that was removed to reqire this shrinking.
true if the bound needed to be changed, false if it did not.

◆ ShrinkBoundForPoint()

bool ShrinkBoundForPoint ( const arma::vec &  point)

Shrink the bound object of this node for the removal of a point.

pointThe arma::vec& of the point that was removed to require this shrinking.
true if the bound needed to be changed, false if it did not.

◆ SoftDelete()

void SoftDelete ( )

Delete this node of the tree, but leave the stuff contained in it intact.

This is used when splitting a node, where the data in this tree is moved to two other trees.

◆ Stat() [1/2]

const StatisticType& Stat ( ) const

Return the statistic object for this node.

Definition at line 320 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ Stat() [2/2]

StatisticType& Stat ( )

Modify the statistic object for this node.

Definition at line 322 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ TreeDepth()

size_t TreeDepth ( ) const

Obtains the number of levels below this node in the tree, starting with this.

Referenced by RectangleTree< MetricType, StatisticType, MatType, SplitType, DescentType, AuxiliaryInformationType >::RangeDistance().

◆ TreeSize()

size_t TreeSize ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ AuxiliaryInformation

friend AuxiliaryInformation

Give friend access for AuxiliaryInformationType.

Definition at line 586 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ DescentType

friend DescentType

Give friend access for DescentType.

Definition at line 580 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

◆ SplitType

friend SplitType

Give friend access for SplitType.

Definition at line 583 of file rectangle_tree.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /home/ryan/src/