mlpack::svd Namespace Reference


class  BiasSVD
 Bias SVD is an improvement on Regularized SVD which is a matrix factorization techniques. More...

class  BiasSVDFunction
 This class contains methods which are used to calculate the cost of BiasSVD's objective function, to calculate gradient of parameters with respect to the objective function, etc. More...

class  QUIC_SVD
 QUIC-SVD is a matrix factorization technique, which operates in a subspace such that A's approximation in that subspace has minimum error(A being the data matrix). More...

class  RandomizedBlockKrylovSVD
 Randomized block krylov SVD is a matrix factorization that is based on randomized matrix approximation techniques, developed in in "Randomized Block Krylov Methods for Stronger and Faster Approximate Singular Value Decomposition". More...

class  RandomizedSVD
 Randomized SVD is a matrix factorization that is based on randomized matrix approximation techniques, developed in in "Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions". More...

class  RegularizedSVD
 Regularized SVD is a matrix factorization technique that seeks to reduce the error on the training set, that is on the examples for which the ratings have been provided by the users. More...

class  RegularizedSVDFunction
 The data is stored in a matrix of type MatType, so that this class can be used with both dense and sparse matrix types. More...

class  SVDPlusPlus
 SVD++ is a matrix decomposition tenique used in collaborative filtering. More...

class  SVDPlusPlusFunction
 This class contains methods which are used to calculate the cost of SVD++'s objective function, to calculate gradient of parameters with respect to the objective function, etc. More...