typename MetricType,
28 typename StatisticType,
30 typename RootPointPolicy>
Linear algebra utility functions, generally performed on matrices or vectors.
static const bool BinaryTree
This is true if the tree always has only two children.
static const bool HasSelfChildren
This is true if the points contained in the first child of a node (Child(0)) are also contained in th...
static const bool RearrangesDataset
This is true if the tree rearranges points in the dataset when it is built.
static const bool HasDuplicatedPoints
This is true if a point can be included in more than one node.
static const bool FirstPointIsCentroid
This is true if the first point of each node is the centroid of its bound.
The TreeTraits class provides compile-time information on the characteristics of a given tree type...
static const bool HasOverlappingChildren
This is true if the subspaces represented by the children of a node can overlap.
static const bool UniqueNumDescendants
This is true if the NumDescendants() method doesn't include duplicated points.
A cover tree is a tree specifically designed to speed up nearest-neighbor computation in high-dimensi...